The Vulcan long-range Shuttle Surak overtakes the newly retrofitted Enterprise NCC-1701 in "Star Trek:
The Motion Picture". The Background is the Butterfly nebula NGC6203. Surak by Micro Machines; Enterprise by Furuta.
The Enterprise heads for the Mutara nebula to evade the Reliant in "The Wrath of Kahn". The planet Regula I
is Mercury, Mutara is the Oroin nebula, Enterprise by Furuta, Reliant by Micro Machines.
While the Enterprise D investigates a Romulan attack on the Amorgosa Observatory,
Soran destroys the Amorgosa sun in "Generations". Amorgosa's sun is a much modified
Earth's sun, Enterprise D by Hallmark.
While the Enterprise crew investigates a newly discovered comet, the Vulcan ship Ti'mur suspiciously
watches them in "Breaking the Ice". The background is the Cats-Eye nebula and
the Halley comet. Ships by Hallmark.
The crew of the newly christened HMS Bounty leaves Vulcan to return to Earth and face
numerous charges in "The Voyage Home". Vulcan is a composite, Ship by Hallmark.
After escaping a minefield, Enterprise NX-01 is escorted out of Romulan clamed space by a Bird of Pray.
The background is the Orion nebula, M42.
BOP from the Internet via "Star Trek: The Magazine", thanks to Kris Olinger, Enterprise NX-01 by Hallmark.
An ion storm causes a transporter malfunction that switches Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and Uhura with
their counterparts on the "I.S.S. Enterprise" in a savage alternate universe in
"Mirror, Mirror", episode #39. The background is the Bubble nebula, NGC7635.
Enterprise by Polar Lights.
The Enterprise encounters a Romulan Bird-of-Prey with its cloaking device in "Balance of Terror". Kirk and the Romulan Commander play a deadly cat-and-mouse game as the Romulans race towards home after destroying 4 Federation outposts. The background is the Flaming Star nebula, IC405.
Enterprise by Polar Lights, Bird-of-Prey by Micro Machines.
An erratic Kirk takes the Enterprise into the Neutral Zone where it is immediately surrounded
by Romulan warships of a Klingon design in "The Enterprise Incident". The
background is the Red Spider nebula, NGC6537. Enterprise by Polar Lights, Romulan
warships by Micro Machines with a new paint job and appropriate logos.
A false distress call lures the Enterprise and a Klingon Battle cruiser into a trap set by a
malevolent entity in the "Day of the Dove". The background shows both the Ring nebula,
M57 and NGC613, a barred spiral galaxy. Enterprise by Polar Lights, Battle cruiser by Micro Machines.
The shuttle craft Galileo returns to the Enterprise after a science mission into the Trifid nebula.
Enterprise by Polar Lights, Galileo by Hallmark.
Crippled by a Klingon Bird of Prey, the Enterprise self-destructs over the Genesis planet
in "The Search for Spock". Planet is a modified Earth, Enterprise by Micro Machines,
Bird of Prey by Hallmark.
The Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor's last act of defiance, a kill shot to the
Enterprise D in "Generations". Background of distant galaxies, the
Nexus is the Northern-Lights, planet is a modified Earth, ships by Hallmark.
Deep Space 9 with Voyager and the Enterprise E docked while the Defiant heads out into space. The wormhole
is from an Artist's Conception of a black hole. Models by Hallmark.
The Defiant with a Black Hole stripping energy from a nearby sun in the background. (Artist's Conception)
Ship by Hallmark.
The Delta Flyer leaves Voyager on its first mission to retrieve an advanced multispatial probe from
within a gas giant in "Extreme Risk". The background is the Witch's Broom nebula, NGC6960. Ships by Hallmark.
The Rio Grande with a star burst -- the remnant of a supernova -- in the background.
Ship by Hallmark.
The Enterprise's shuttle craft Galileo descending to a class M planet with a spectacular view of the Andromeda galaxy, M31.
Enterprise by Polar Lights, Galileo by Hallmark.
Commander Donatra of the Romulan Warbird Valdore comes to the aid of Picard as the Enterprise E
tries to stop the Reman Warbird Scimitar from attacking Earth in "Nemesis". The background
is the Swan nebula, M17. The Valdore is from Paramount Pictures via the Internet, Enterprise E by Hallmark.
Picard and Data escape from the Reman Scimitar using a Scorpion Attack Flyer in "Nemesis".
The background is the Eagle nebula, KP09. The Valdore and Scimitar are from Paramount Pictures
via the Internet, Scorpion and Enterprise E by Hallmark.
A Borg Sphere passing the far side of the Moon as it approaches Earth in "First Contact".
The Borg Sphere is from Paramount Pictures via the Internet.
The Enterprise A returns fire after being strafed by a Klingon Bird-of-Pray as it leaves Nimbus III,
the planet of galactic peace, in "The Final Frontier". Enterprise by Micro Machines,
Bird-of Pray by Hallmark, the planet is a composite.
Enterprise C by the Arrowhead galaxy, NGC 1427A,
which looks a lot like the Star Fleet insignia. Ship by Furuta.
The ATL (Alternative Time Line) Enterprise leaves Vulcan as the planet starts to implode.
Vulcan is a composite, ship by Playmates.
The ATL (Alternative Time Line) Enterprise rises above Saturn's moon Titan to ambush the Romulan ship
Narada. Ship by Playmates.