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Classic Star Trek Ships Album 2
Compositions by Tom Heald

These are the same images found in the slide show laid out in an album format.  For an explanation of how the images were created, see "About the Pictures" on the previous page.
Star Trek: Enterprise B encounters the Nexus in "Generations".

Enterprise B encounters the Nexus in "Generations". The Nexus is a picture of the Solar-Wind (Northern-Lights) taken in Alaska. The background is the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A.  Ship by Micro Machines.

Star Trek: A Romulan Warbird by the Rosette nebula.

A Romulan Warbird by the Rosette nebula.  Ship by Hallmark.

Star Trek: Enterprise C emerges from a subspace rift 22 years in its future to join forces with the D in "Yesterday's Enterprise".

Enterprise C emerges from a subspace rift 22 years in its future to join forces with the D in "Yesterday's Enterprise".  Enterprise C by Micro Machines, D by Hallmark.

Star Trek: As the Enterprise C returns through the subspace rift, the D defends it from three Klingon K'Vort battle cruisers.

As the Enterprise C returns through the subspace rift, the D defends it from three Klingon K'Vort battle cruisers.  Enterprise C by Micro Machines, D and battle cruisers by Hallmark with modifications.

Star Trek: Back in its time, Enterprise C defends the Klingon outpost on Narendra III from four Romulan Warbirds.

Back in its time, Enterprise C defends the Klingon outpost on Narendra III from four Romulan Warbirds. The planet is the result of a radar survey of cloud-shrouded Venus with the colors depicting different elevations.  Enterprise C by Micro Machines, Warbirds by Hallmark.

Star Trek: The Enterprise C's Shuttle Craft Kirk orbiting the Moon with a 3/4 Earth just over the horizon.

The Enterprise C's Shuttle Craft Kirk orbiting the Moon with a 3/4 Earth just over the horizon.  Heavily modified model by Hallmark.

Star Trek: Riker, commanding the Enterprise E fires on the Son'a Command ship in "Insurrection".

Riker, commanding the Enterprise E fires on the Son'a Command ship in "Insurrection". The background is a heavily modified version of nebula NGC2244.  The Son'a ship is from Paramount Pictures via the Internet, Enterprise E by Hallmark.

Star Trek: On its madden voyage, the Enterprise B pass by the Jovian system in "Generations".

On its maiden voyage, the Enterprise B pass by the Jovian system in "Generations".  Jupiter's moon Io is about the size of Earth's moon while Jupiter's Great Red Spot is large enough to hold 3 Earths. Ship by Furuta.

Star Trek: The Enterprise battles the Reliant within the Mutara nebula in "The Wrath of Kahn".

The Enterprise battles the Reliant within the Mutara nebula in "The Wrath of Kahn".  This is the retrofitted Enterprise NCC-1701 as seen in the first 3 movies. Background is the Lagoon nebula.  Ships by Micro Machines.

Star Trek: The newly retrofitted Enterprise NCC-1701 leaves the Federation Space Dock in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture".

The newly retrofitted Enterprise NCC-1701 leaves the Federation Space Dock in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture".  Models by Micro Machines.

Star Trek: Enterprise NX-01 passing by Saturn.

Enterprise NX-01 passing by Saturn. (Saturn is an Infrared Photo)  Ship by Hallmark.

Star Trek: The HMS Bounty returns to an Earth under siege with three passengers from the 20th century -- George, Gracie and Gillian -- in "The Voyage Home".

The HMS Bounty returns to an Earth under siege with three passengers from the 20th century -- George, Gracie and Gillian -- in "The Voyage Home".  Thunder storm from, modified ship by Hallmark.

Star Trek: The Space Shuttle Enterprise approaching the International Space Station.

The Space Shuttle Enterprise approaching the International Space Station. The ISS is an artist's conception and the Shuttle is a picture of Atlantis, OV-104. The  Enterprise, OV-101,  was the prototype dropped from a 747 to test its approach and landing capabilities.  It is on display at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York harbor.  It was originally displayed at the National Air and Space Museum until replaced by the Shuttle Discovery.

Star Trek: The Enterprise emerges from the Carina nebula.

The Enterprise emerges from the Carina nebula. Ship by Hallmark.

Star Trek: A Klingon Bird of Prey near Jupiter on a voyage home.

A Klingon Bird of Prey near Jupiter on a voyage home. Ship by Hallmark.

Star Trek: Enterprise A near the Eskimo nebula, also referred to as God's Eye.

Enterprise A near the Eskimo nebula, also referred to as God's Eye. Ship by Micro Machines.

Star Trek: The Enterprise A is stalked by a Klingon Bird-of-Pray waiting for it to lower its shields to retrieve the shuttle Galileo returning from Nimbus III, the planet of galactic peace, in "The Final Frontier".

The Enterprise A is stalked by a Klingon Bird-of-Pray waiting for it to lower its shields to retrieve the shuttle Galileo returning from Nimbus III, the planet of galactic peace, in "The Final Frontier".  Enterprise by Furuta, shuttle by Micro Machines, Bird-of Pray by Hallmark, the planet is a composite.

Star Trek: Sulu, commanding the Excelsior, comes to the aid of Kirk -- under attack over Khitomer by General Chang -- just as the cloaked Bird-of-Pray

Sulu, commanding the Excelsior, comes to the aid of Kirk -- under attack over Khitomer by General Chang -- just as the cloaked Bird-of-Pray's location is revealed by a photon torpedo rigged to home-in on gaseous anomalies in "The Undiscovered Country". Enterprise and Excelsior by Furuta, BOP by Hallmark, Khitomer is a modified Earth.

Star Trek: Riker takes the Enterprise E out of the Brierpatch to contact Star Fleet in "Insurrection".

Riker takes the Enterprise E out of the Brierpatch to contact Star Fleet in "Insurrection". The background is the Orion nebula and a cloud of hydrogen gas. Enterprise E by Hallmark.

Star Trek: While Starfleet defends Earth, the Borg launch a temporal sphere to travel back to 2063 and assimilate Earth before the invention of warp drive in "First Contact".

While Starfleet defends Earth, the Borg launch a temporal sphere to travel back to 2063 and assimilate Earth before the invention of warp drive in "First Contact". Enterprise E and Borg Cube by Hallmark, Borg Sphere is from Paramount Pictures via the Internet.

Star Trek: The battle scarred Enterprise escapes from Federation Space Dock pursued by the Excelsior in "The Search for Spock".

The battle scarred Enterprise escapes from Federation Space Dock pursued by the Excelsior in "The Search for Spock". Models by Micro Machines.

Star Trek: The Enterprise is fatally wounded by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey over the Genesis planet in "The Search for Spock".

The Enterprise is fatally wounded by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey over the Genesis planet in "The Search for Spock". Planet is a modified Earth, Enterprise by Furuta, Bird of Prey by Hallmark.

Star Trek: The Enterprise passes by Aquila's eye

The Enterprise passes by Aquila's eye, the planetary nebula NGC6751, in the constellation Aquila. Ship by Hallmark.

In 1976, NASA's space shuttle Enterprise rolled out of the Palmdale, CA manufacturing facilities and was greeted 
by NASA officials and cast members from the 'Star Trek' television series.

In 1976, NASA's space shuttle Enterprise rolled out of the Palmdale, CA manufacturing facilities and was greeted by NASA officials and cast members from the 'Star Trek' television series.

(Click here for a larger picture and more detailed caption.)

The retrofitted Enterprise NCC-1701 encounters a curious worm in space.

The retrofitted Enterprise NCC-1701 encounters a curious worm in space. Enterprise by Furuta, The worm is the interstellar cloud IRAS 20324.

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Your feedback is important to me.  Any additional comments will be appreciated.  Thanks, Tom Heald.

All of the original names, images, sounds and objects are Copyrighted © by their various owners: Paramount Pictures, Hallmark, Micro Machines, Galoob, Furuta, Playmates, Polar Lights, Playing Mantis and NASA.  The resulting compositions are Copyrighted © by Freelance Ink and are intended for my personal use and the enjoyment of those visiting this site.

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